/ Greyhat.dk /

Kim Gert Nielsen

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Attenuate in mumble using pipewire

So if you like me is having problems with attenuate in Mumble that does not turn down the volumne from Chrome here is a little tip my co-worker found.

First test it by running

$ pw-loopback -m '[ FL FR ]' --capture-props='media.class=Audio/Sink node.name=my_sink' --playback-props='node.target="my-default-sink"'

and then change the sink of Chrome (I changed it using pavucontrol under Playback).

If this worked here is how to make it permanent. Create a local configuration for pipewire

$ mkdir -p ~/.config/pipewire
$ cp /usr/share/pipewire/pipewire.conf ~/.config/pipewire/

Now edit the file and enable data-loop.library and add the config under context.modules like this

context.properties = {
     context.data-loop.library.name.system = support/libspa-support
context.modules = [
     {   name = libpipewire-module-loopback
         args = {
             node.name = "my_sink"
             audio.position = "FL,FR"
             capture.props = {
                 node.description = "my_sink"
                 media.class = "Audio/Sink"
             playback.props = {
                 node.target = "my-default-sink"

Then restart pipewire

$ systemctl --user restart pipewire.service